种植园,让步 & 农场的代码

    Our upstream operations increase our control over traceability and stewardship.

    推荐几个足彩外围app专注于完全遵守相关的国际行业标准. 在没有公认标准的情况下, 推荐几个足彩外围app与学术机构合作, 行业专家和NG开发和实施推荐几个足彩外围app自己的.


    The Code defines the process and standards for managing the environmental and social requirements of acquisitions and new and existing upstream developments across the entire project life-cycle. It is applicable for 推荐买球平台-owned and operated projects as well as partnerships and joint ventures in operating upstream enterprises. 它与推荐买球平台生态景观政策相结合.
